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  1. VinePerf
  2. VINEPERF-554

vSwitch Feature Performance Matrix Framework


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Future Release
    • None
    • None

      Implement functionality that will allow for the measurement of the performance impact of individual features for a given vSwitch. The scope of this work does not cover implementing support for features not currently supported in VSPERF eg. conntrack.


      Sample usage:

      The user specifies a topology, and a list of test parameters. Eg.:

      PVP - vHost MQ, 1k flows, VxLAN tunneling, IMIX packets,2C.


      This will trigger 6 (N features + 1) VSPERF test runs, result for each gathered:

      1. Baseline (default PVP config)
      2. + MQ (default was 1 queue)
      3. + 1k flows (default was 1 flow)
      4. + VxLAN tunnel
      5. + IMIX packets (default was 64B)
      6. + 2 cores (default was 1 core)


      The above assumes that cumulative performance will be measured ie. once we enable a feature it isn't turned off for the next test run. This could be changed/specified when triggering the test run eg. cumulative=true/false

      For the =false case, we enable one new feature per test run and disable all others.


      Results are collated and worked on to produce a summary which reflects the impact of individual features like so:


      Feature Perf Individual impact Total impact
      Baseline 7Mpps 0% 0%
      MQ 8.5Mpps +21% +21%
      1k flows 7.5Mpps -12% +7%
      VxLAN 4Mpps -47% -42%
      IMIX 4.5Mpps +13% -36%
      2C 8Mpps +78% +14%


      Sample command line could be:

      ./vsperf --matrix topology='pvp',params='x,y,z',cumulative='true'

            richardxelias Richard Elias
            cloftus Ciara Loftus
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